This listing is for a 20x24 size watercolor painting of a house. I work from a digital photo and will change things the way you want (ie fill in missing bushes in the landscape, change from storm clouds to sunny day, emphasize a certain color scheme, put it in the season of your choice...). I do the painting on high quality Canson cold press watercolor paper, 140lb, using professional Grumbacher watercolor paints. This is such a lovely gift for a housewarming, Christmas, birthday.
When you purchase the listing, you then send me a good digital photo of the house. You can attach the picture to a message on Shopify. Then I'll need this from you: 1) The season you want the painting to show. 2) If you want any extra flowers around the base of the house and sidewalks. If so, what colors? 3) Describe the colors of the house, shutters, door, roof. 4) Give any special requests (add a bush where one used to be, move a tree over, etc...). 5) Give me your phone number in case I need to text you with questions while I'm in the middle of your painting. 6) Which shade of blue do you prefer for your sky, true blue or teal? 7) Should the painting be horizontal or vertical?
When you send me this list of details, I ask you any clarifying questions. Within 4-6 weeks, depending on the line ahead of you, I do your painting. Please check with me about my current list of orders. After it is finished, I send you a digital photo of the painting for your approval. I make any necessary changes then mail it to you in a sturdy package, insured for the journey. Or you can pick it up in person for a 10% discount. Shipping is covered by the listed price.